Wind lives in a tree house and is surrounded by healthy food. She offers a full breast to her new baby and pours milk all over...literally overflowing. She shows me her right hand, we both have small tattoos of butterflies (blue) and she has a scarification of a small turtle. We also have similar scars. I am in a restaurant in a foreign country, I work there and feel very comfortable. There are people from all over the world here. I am seated at a table with three me. One of them has a tattoo on his neck that is like the sun on my back, he also has a tattoo of the Earth with an orbit around it. He says, "Look she has a tattoo like mine". They ask if I work here and if so if I will serve them. I can tell they want to talk. I go to the back of the restaurant to check in. Everyone knows me and hugs me. Many of the regulars are happy to see me. It takes a while to get out front to where the men are, when I do they are gone but have left a note, written in Spanish wit...