
My body is sitting on a grassy yard staring ahead at a stormy sky above the tree line. I am watching just beyond my body. There is a road on either side of me. On my left there is a vehicle and some one like Dave opens the door and shadows, sorrows and a sort of hopelessness pours out. There is a sense that I am looking at the stark underbelly of this life, the wars and killings, the lies and greed, the selfishness and fear, the destruction. The shadow pours out and the field fills with hopelessnes in spite of the drivers assurances that we need a revolution, that we need to LOOK at these things and SEE them in order to change them. My body remains sitting there, eyes on the approaching storm. Then Aunt Bertie appears on my right, she quietly smiles and says, "I choose to focus on something else", the door of a white mini van slides open and light pours out, beautiful brilliant connecting light and HOPE fills the space between the darkness until all is connected and in...