I am at some sort of global amusement park. There is a room with a game in it. I don't like video games and I tell them this and they say, everyone must try this game. It is like a virtual video game in a very white room and the screen lights up. It is difficult to tell the screen from my mind, but if you distance yourself a bit, you remember. Suddenly the screen flashes with goals, different factors to look for. At first the game is novel, "find the kitten on the touch screen". But quickly it evolves, adapting to more emotionally charged settings. Each won game is rewarded with a mardi gras style necklace. Then the screen changes and I am floating on clouds with a sage in white robes, he smiles and asks "what is all this", I smile in return and say "God of course, all is God". Next, the screen becomes violent and the game attempts to alter me so that I am more involved. It grows a beard on my face and dictates that in order to remove the be...