pigs and stars

There is a pig. A huge pink pig. He is probably 5 feet long and I adore him. He sits when I say sit and waits when I say wait. Then Shane builds a huge fire in the center of a circle of low metal kennels. He puts all the pigs in the kennels. My beloved pig wanders in by himself and lays down to get warm. The door of the kennel doesn't shut. I know Shane is roasting the pigs to eat. "I don't eat pork...why would you?", I think to myself. I know that I can not let my pig-friend get roasted. I go to wake him up but he is already awake and backing out of the kennel. I realize that the pig is actually my brother Dave and I tell him he has to shape shift back. He says, "We have to free the pigs first!". We do. Then Shane comes back. Suddenly, Shane, Dave and the pig are one person and I grab him by the ankles and begin whirling him over my head beneath the night sky, saying, "you are not a pig, nor...