Dream snippets Chris Kilgour ( love and comfort and anticipated discomfort) ... old ford trucks loaded with simple camping gear headed for the mountains... dancing with runners...young love and choices ( here I was young and in love, it was sweet and innocent without the least hint of sexuality. Next this young George Clooney sweeps me off my feet and takes me on long motorcycle rides complete with lovemaking beneath the moon, in the end I return to my young love and say to "George" you want to love with the angst and intensity of an adult, I want to enjoy the sweet innocence of my youth.)...the women at my work are gathered and judging the details of one another. Belle is upset. I stand and say, "Hey, Lets all drop the sharp edges and caustic wires of our judging and just enjoy eachother!", No one appears to listen. I don't remember much beyond these snippets.
Showing posts from March, 2009
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I am with a lot of friends, family and acquaintances in a large house (Aunt Bertie is there too), there is access to underground tunnels here too. I remember this from another dream and everyone else seems to remember also, that there are horrible creatures that live in the underground who occasionally come up to the surface. I remember the military battling them, with tanks and warfare and the creatures were hardly phased by all their violence. There seems to be a consensus that these creatures are aliens of some kind that feed on human flesh. Everyone is utterly horrified by this. I suggest that a heavy consciousness like thiers is not so dissimilar from our own, which blindly kills and murders dolphins. I explain that dolphins are just as conscious and intelligent as we are, more , because they consistently respond with joy and playfulness, regardless of our tendency to kill them. We respond with fear. Then one of the creatures emerges from the underworld, he is very large a...