I am with a lot of friends, family and acquaintances in a large house (Aunt Bertie is there too), there is access to underground tunnels here too. I remember this from another dream and everyone else seems to remember also, that there are horrible creatures that live in the underground who occasionally come up to the surface. I remember the military battling them, with tanks and warfare and the creatures were hardly phased by all their violence. There seems to be a consensus that these creatures are aliens of some kind that feed on human flesh. Everyone is utterly horrified by this. I suggest that a heavy consciousness like thiers is not so dissimilar from our own, which blindly kills and murders dolphins. I explain that dolphins are just as conscious and intelligent as we are, more, because they consistently respond with joy and playfulness, regardless of our tendency to kill them. We respond with fear. Then one of the creatures emerges from the underworld, he is very large and reptilian, standing on two strong birdlike legs, with a powerful upperbody, long arms and strong talons. His head is long and powerful in the front and back with immense jaws. He comes directly toward me and wraps his hands around my neck. Everyone jumps back. I just begin to recite the "I AM" blessing that Bertie taught me and calling for Archangel Micheal. My heart is full of love. I decide that it is better to die in love than in fear. The creature disappears. Everyone is shocked. My boss says, "I can't believe you did that". This kind gentleman comes and takes me into a very comfortable closet with a window and a little nook. He tells me to remain here. I say "Why?". He tells me that the creatures are coming in droves, they are attracted by electricity, by population (I know they are attracted by fear). He says, "You are too special to die out there". I say, "Won't they eventually find me in here?". He says, "Yes, but you will be safe until then".
I ask him to be kind and just kill me now, perhaps with a poison. He shakes his head, No and leaves.
Fear creeps in.
The room begins to fill with the things I care about.
Bodhi, Owen, Shane and Maia. Then others show up. All are oozing fear. I decide we have to run away and live in exile. Fear is overcoming me now. I grab a few things, too afraid to leave the closet to even get a jacket or food or diapers for Bodhi. I decide that we will head for the hills (which are crowded with the wasteful garbage of mankind) and hopefully beyond.
I rise to the surface of sleep--- very, very, fearful---shallow breathing, rapid heart rate. I say, "this will not do". I go back down. This time I ask Shane to care for those I love and I leave the closet. I see Bertie and she joins me as do several others, including Teresa. Then I enter the mouth of a cave diving down. Davey is now on my right. We are holding hands. Bert and the others remain at the mouth of the cave, holding consciousness. Davey and I descend. We let fear fall away as we walk deeper and deeper into the underworld. Soon we are surrounded by the creatures. We keep walking, with eyes closed, feeling the light of our hearts. We turn this light/love toward one creature, this creature becomes transparent and we see a man within and then it is just a man. This happens to all the creatures nearby. Dave and I realize that man is just another cloak hiding the brilliance of spirit and that underlying our exterior, emotions, attachments etc., there is consciousness...pure bright light consciousness.
I wake up... there is nothing to fear.
"Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists
Herein lies the peace of God".