I(or a woman like me but shorter and with straight black hair) have sculpted several large pieces of standing art out of wire. One of them is a bird woman standing 10 ft. tall. Her body armature is a stylized metal skeleton with fleshier bones on the legs and arms but very visible sacrum and vertebral column. The head is very well done. I cant tell if the head is sculpted from metal or another substance- perhaps it is bronze work. The figure is standing erect with arms outstretched in a T. The face is a bit severe, no false levity there, but very strong and wise seeming. There is an open wire hooded cloak draped over the torso and arms. On this there are thin, white, paper and newspaper, feathers, again these are very stylized and are much larger and shorter, a bit like leaves. There are just enough feathers to imply "bird" but not so many that it appears over done. The effect is breathtaking. The other sculpture is around 8ft. tall and is a cloaked figure of the wand...