I(or a woman like me but shorter and with straight black hair) have sculpted several large pieces of standing art out of wire. One of them is a bird woman standing 10 ft. tall. Her body armature is a stylized metal skeleton with fleshier bones on the legs and arms but very visible sacrum and vertebral column. The head is very well done. I cant tell if the head is sculpted from metal or another substance- perhaps it is bronze work. The figure is standing erect with arms outstretched in a T. The face is a bit severe, no false levity there, but very strong and wise seeming. There is an open wire hooded cloak draped over the torso and arms. On this there are thin, white, paper and newspaper, feathers, again these are very stylized and are much larger and shorter, a bit like leaves. There are just enough feathers to imply "bird" but not so many that it appears over done.
The effect is breathtaking.
The other sculpture is around 8ft. tall and is a cloaked figure of the wanderer/traveler. This figure is almost completely concealed beneath a wire cloak. The figures arm is outstretched holding a light or lantern extended in front. The face looks a bit frightened and weary, but strong and seasoned too. There are leaves covering the cloak and again these leaves are cut out of white paper and are too large to appear realistic but the effect is beautiful.
Some member of the dream begins poking fun of the wanderer, saying that for a self portrait, it doesn't look very similar to the artist. I feel at first insulted, then I realize that I would rather it if they were not self portraits, than they would be more readily identified with by the viewers.
It was an inspirational "feeling" dream.
I am at Aunt Bertie's house. It looks nothing like her house. It is a single level ranch house with a light colored exterior. The inside is light and airy with wooden floors, minimal furnishings, neutral paint and a feeling of expansive simplicity. Bertie sits in a single comfy looking white chair in the main room. The exterior is an eden, with orchards, flower gardens, and vegetables everywhere. There are tomato trees (yea trees) huge eggplants growing among flowers, gourds, squash and fruit everywhere. The produce has been somewhat effected by the cold weather and some of the veggies and fruit are ruined, but surprisingly most of it seems to have weathered the seasonal shift. I am surprised by this and assume that it must be warmer here. There are forests on the larger periphery and an overall feeling of natural beauty and paradise within the untamed surroundings. I feel at ease here. There are no concerns and everything is provided for. I feel peace.
There is a compound, like a jail. Elephants and bats keep getting trapped within the gates. When the elephants are trapped they throw themselves onto the chain-link fence like the bats and each time they do this they look like enormous bats and the fence is splattered with blood. People keep setting them free but each time they re-lock the gates they lock in the bats and elephants once more. I am observing all of this from outside the gate.
Owen has to go to jail. There are lots of others in jail. It doesn't look very horrible, like a cabin-jail and Shane is the jailer.
We need to exert ourselves in order to work in the Great Work and to transmute our creative energies. We need to exert ourselves to live, to struggle and to tread the path of Integral Revolution, but we do not need to exert ourselves in order to comprehend the Truth.
~ Master Samael Aun Weor.