dragon dream

After seeing my step father and thinking of my childhood with anger and sadness. I begin walking into a very large tunnel, leading to a cave. There are several other people walking into the cave. It is reminiscent of a pilgrimage. The cave floor is littered with religious artifacts and bones. Owen picks a number of them up to look at them (many are of Mary, Joseph and Jesus) and we place them reverently on a low table, and beneath the feet of the travelers---offerings from those who have gone before. Shane steps close to an embankment with a sharp drop off where the roots of a tree are heavily exposed. As he steps on the roots I think perhaps it is a bit cavalier and dangerous. Then I think it is interesting that the roots are exposed. I help him off the roots and notice two enormous statues linked as one at the back of the cave. One is a giant black panther, the other a shape shifting dragon/panther/bird. Both have the s...