
Showing posts from August, 2008
I can't remember any real dreams, only details, I can fly, I am flexible, I am living in the woods, I am not afraid. I awoke feeling deeply peaceful and rested and content. I was repeating to myself, "almost, nothing, almost, nothing, almost, nothing...........". Almost is so similar to nothing...almost reaching the top is not reaching it...almost waking up is still sleeping...almost seeing is still not seeing...I felt recharged by this idea of almost, nothing. The message? Keep going, even in the darkest hour, even when slumber beckons with all its might, even when the mind lulls toward complacency- with love and gentleness and kindness- keep going...almost reaching the aim isn't what I choose...I can just keep reaching toward the good, the wise, the true...keep reaching until at last my hand finds a hold and my foot discovers solid ground.
Owen and I get onto an elevator. It goes down, sways and seems to go sharply forward. We work together to balance the sway against the motion. When we exit, we are far away from our initial destination and have no real idea how this happened. We are jogging thru Mexico/Prescott on our way back. We pass through markets and bars, at each one I think to myself how sad the loss of culture is and how we (as people)throw on a new coat of paint and cover years history. We finally arrive near the elevator (now it is Danny and I) we try to tell mom about our experience but it doesn't make sense. We step out and see an eagle who comes to us and gently cleans us all over with her/his beak, even removing any particles of excrement from Danny/Owen. Then we realize that whatever happened in the elevator will only happen when it is accompanied by an Animal omen such as this.
I am seated at a long table across from the one I love, there is a mirror behind each of us, so that we can see the other as well as ourselves. (I can't really distinguish if I am the man or the woman, however I think I am looking through the man's eyes at the woman). I say I love you, but this shadow voice beneath the words says I hate you- suddenly I can see our shadow selves , with their vacuum black eyes and colorless faces. Than I see that our bodies have become mere shells, through which the shadow speaks and acts. Then I see the true self briefly inhabit the form- the eyes are beautiful, rich and deep, like the eyes of a seal, full of kindness and a penetrating depth. Then the empty eyes return and the shadow self speaks again. All this happens relatively quickly while the one I love and I sit across from one another and feelings of rage and love, and all the variants in between seem to pass through that moment. _________________Next dream...... I am with several o...
I had a series of strange and highly vivid dreams I am with Michelle and we are trying to find a recycling plant. It is on 12 and some other street that begins with a D. We drive all over in search of it. We climb steep hills trying to find it and brave strange settings. We finally find this briefing about recycling.. on it there is a list of recycling items, a why statement about recycling and some innovative recycles old items into tears and jewelry. There were several other dreams and vivid imagery, but my bed is calling me back.
There is a large goose. It has been shot, repeatedly. The bullet holes left huge holes in the goose's body. Within these holes are small tide pools. The goose is still moving about. I feel incredibly sad when I see it. There is a man who has lost his way. He is otherwise a good man. He plans to harm me, but I don't believe he is malevolent. I feel sad.
I have just heard of a mentally challenged child that is an orphaned distant relative of mine. I fly a great distance to get him, pay the adoption fees and bring him home. He is one child of twins, his brother died at birth. He is very small. I bring him home he grows rapidly into a very shy 5-7 year old. He has straight dark hair that falls across his eyes. He is easily angered and a bit explosive. I love him and understand him. He is bright and not truly mentally challenged, he is just wild and refuses to be tamed by the world. I see the end of his life...he dies an old man in Hawaii, land surfing into a hairpin corner which he can't quite make. I am talking to a beautiful young woman, as we are talking I realize that she has some kind of disease which causes her to age disproportionately. She is still beautiful with her gray hair and wrinkled face (her body is that of a nineteen year old).
I am talking with this woman at her home. I tell here, the only thing we really need to do to wake up is to let go of all attachments to the body. She says to me, that she doesn't feel that is quite right. I say, the body attachment and its emotions and feelings are what confuses all of us into the insanity of form. She listens than explains that our feeling are essential, sure our feelings take us into suffering but they also give us the longing for God, the ache for our Self, for union. (At this point she began telling me a detailed philosophy on the topic, I thought to myself, is she reading this, because it was like a perfect soliloquy on the topic). Still uncertain, we were now sitting on the sofa and her beautiful blond haired daughter came in, she climbed up into my lap in a full hug. I said this is why I want a girl, because they keep on loving you and hugging you. I asked how old she was, she said-- eight,eighteen,eighty--all slurred together. The woman was now pr...
I have inherited a business and home from an uncle or something. Unwittingly by inheriting this I have stepped into a terrible intrigue. There is some kind of paranormal research going on, some kind of danger. I begin to see what is happening too late. We (My family and I) are turned handed over to some very angry men by a man we trusted and cared about. The men enter my home and kill each of us. First we are placed on top of a rope net, which breaks, we descend hundreds of feet and are shot at on the descent, we land on a series of other nets before falling into a vat of acid. Mom and I are preparing to go at the same time, she asks me what will happen and I tell her to just hope we die along the way...We do and suddenly I have reincarnated three generations prior to the beginning of all this insanity with the hope of ending it.