I am seated at a long table across from the one I love, there is a mirror behind each of us, so that we can see the other as well as ourselves. (I can't really distinguish if I am the man or the woman, however I think I am looking through the man's eyes at the woman). I say I love you, but this shadow voice beneath the words says I hate you- suddenly I can see our shadow selves , with their vacuum black eyes and colorless faces. Than I see that our bodies have become mere shells, through which the shadow speaks and acts. Then I see the true self briefly inhabit the form- the eyes are beautiful, rich and deep, like the eyes of a seal, full of kindness and a penetrating depth. Then the empty eyes return and the shadow self speaks again. All this happens relatively quickly while the one I love and I sit across from one another and feelings of rage and love, and all the variants in between seem to pass through that moment.
_________________Next dream......
I am with several other people here on planet earth, who are not from planet earth, we have adopted the physical form of those around us, however we do not age the same way. We seem to possess certain elemental and animalistic qualities. Together, we are climbing a tree. I say, that in human time I am already 80 years old, but have much to do in order to turn things about. I seem to have feathers or bark, unseen beneath the surface of my body. There is a young girl with me and a man. We are climbing the tree. It seems important to do so.
________________Next dream......
I am fishing in a large pond. The person I am fishing with is enjoying him/herself. We are catching a lot of fish. A stranger shows us this cache at the edge of the pond where you can pull buckets of fish out of the water. We do. Suddenly I feel that we have far too many fish. I see them dying in the bucket and I feel terrible. I am now in a kitchen, preparing to clean the fish. Many of them aren't fresh any longer, because we caught so many. I see the brain scans of all the dead fish, and many of the brains have become contaminated, "like the brains of dragons", making them unsafe to eat. They will need to be thrown away. I feel awful about this. That I took part in taking the life of these fish and for nothing- to waste them and their sacrifice.