I am in this odd trailer house. I think it is a pensione of some sort, but every traveler and occupant has left a few bags or piles of stuff and the small rooms are brimming with it. I have to use the restroom. I find one near the back of the house and begin to groan slightly with the effort. Just then I hear a toilet flush immediately to my right, just beyond a thin separating wall. I feel mortified. A man walks out, having to pass through my bathroom to exit. He is short of stature, smooth skinned and radiating a good nature. He smiles broadly at me from my throne of humiliation, says something in a joking tone, steps to me and places his lips on my third eye (just between the brows) and blows a kiss into my skin. I feel a strange sensation. Like my third eye is opening, filling with energy, so much energy in fact, that it is almost uncomfortable. It becomes filled with light and pulsing with energy. We both comment on the strangeness of the experience. We are now forehead to forehead and I am still seated on the toilet. He leaves. I realize that I have pink blood all over my hands. I stand and see the toilet bowl full. It is menstrual blood, but innocent lovely clean vital blood. It is all over me. My fluid white pants bloom red in beautiful patches. I think how lovely they look. I am supposed to be packing my stuff to leave this place. But stuff seems like such a burden and I can't really tell what is mine and what was already here when I arrived. Plus I don't really want it all.
I wake up.