First Dream
Our home is Aunt Bertie's house but the upper story is collapsing, the foundation is made of rotting wood and it is in danger of falling in at any time. It is most likely to collapse where my old room used to be.
Second Dream
Angelina (Jolie) has a stalker, who is a malevolent energy housed in a human form. I have to cast it out through fire and call on the Christ to keep it out. Only the small children know what's real. I still feel fear.
Third Dream
I am faced with a horrible scenario, in which an alien race has taken over human beings. They seem to take them over harmlessly but totally alter their mental makeup to one of fear and ugliness. This is evident in their faces which are no longer open and inquisitive. I some how link up with a group of people who know how to escape the hole dilemma. Miguel is driving a van. I try to call Shane but realize my cell phone can be tracked and I throw it out the back. Bodhi is in the child seat and he is immediately spotted due to his smiling open face. We roll up the window. We arrive at a garage and I climb out to help them in. Miguel can't pull in the door easily. The hesitation affords the aliens time to find the van. The doors are closed. When they finally open them, they tell me that Owen is okay but Shane and Bodhi have gone with them. Miguel has decided to go with them as a show of pride. They will give me three days to see Bodhi, and then I will have to live my life as a muerito (a little dead person). There is a tunnel that leads into an ancient way of life, like the Aztecs or Mayans. I am unwilling to relinquish my son. I go through this tally of Masters asking who will help me... the Buddha will 30x, Jesus will 30x, Joel Goldstein will and on an on. There are several teachers who are not on my wavelength. Their energy mounts in an offering bowl and then resides in my heart. I wake up. I am thinking over and over and over, "WHO IS THE SELF WHO PERCEIVES THIS ILLUSION,WHO IS THE SELF WHO PERCEIVES THIS ILLUSION,WHO IS THE SELF WHO PERCEIVES THIS ILLUSION".
Those darn aliens always seem to give us trouble...
Awesome astral trip sis.
The first step in dream yoga is to learn to retain conscious presence during dreams. Later one meditates on the suchness [emptiness] of dreams. However, merely recognizing that the horses, elephants and so forth that are seen in dreams are illusions will not give rise to the wisdom of emptiness [prajna / right view], in the same way that realizing something to be an illusion in the waking state, such as one's reflection in a mirror, does not give rise to realization of emptiness.