Dream snippets:
I am washing my hair in Wind's sink. My hair is dread-locked and the water is so salty. I keep getting it in my mouth and I feel like I am going to be sick, my whole tongue is swelling up. Finally, someone agrees that the water is salty, this somehow validates my opinion and I leave the sink.

Next, I have a baby and a doll. I play with the doll as much as the baby and the baby and I love the doll. We are on the earth outdoors playing with the doll when a woman walks by with her dog. The dog tries to suckle at the baby.

Next, I am nursing again. Bodhi is nursing and I have a lot of milk. I feel a sort of unmatched fulfillment.

Next, I am at a beach and laying on the sand. The beach is crowded and this family nearby is pouring artificial, styrofoam snow on the sand in a large square to immulate a bed, for the kids to sleep on. I feel horrified at the evident disregard for nature.


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