
I was a rainbow keeper and I was helping a few people escape the reach of the "beautiful people". When we finally rose over a high grassy knoll scraping the sky we descended into a clean, airy and bright cave. It felt like an adult Waldorf environment with beautiful wooden tables and a few white silk scarves...very natural and utterly devoid of clutter. There were several people already there seated at the table. The mouth of the cave opened to an Eden-like setting. Someone asked me what it meant to be a rainbow keeper. I held up my hand and you could see it become somewhat transparent. Then I stood opposite the person who asked. I closed my eyes and opened my heart...open and open and open until a huge flow of chakra/rainbow light flooded out like a rainbow, spreading and connecting. The body become more transparent and then my body fell backwards and into the earth. The earth reached up and my frame dissolved...I felt it dissolving, even gurgling as the oxygen escaped from my throat. I knew Angelina had died.
I woke up.