Future Message
I am at an artists retreat. There are a whole bunch of men at the front collecting their belongings. They all are caught up in being sterotypical males, talking about women as objects and proudly acting void of feeling. I gather my things and leave. I am here with my mom and several of her old friends before she became a dog woman. There are others here too. We step toward the back and one woman in our party, older and full of vivacious life talks to us over the railing. She is so full of joy. I look to mom silently asking about her. She says "Cancer". I tell the woman that I want to give her a message from myself ten years in the future (where I currently am asleep in my bed). I say, "You mattered to me. You made me better." She smiles at me, a little quizzically, and invites us to the back of the retreat where there is beauty and an expectation of quiet.