She who sees with eyes closed

I am in a room with several other people. It’s an art workshop I think. There is a large mirror with an ornate frame that reflects  your future when you look into it. There is a woman, dark haired, tall, strong of spirit and a bit older than me, who is running the workshop and inviting people to look in the mirror. Three people do so before it is my turn, A young man with short hair and a traditional upbringing, sees himself as a painter. His whole body sheds the weight of trying to be something he is not. He is a painter and now he can be what he is. Next a beautiful, strong woman with ebony skin and penetrating eyes steps forward, she sees herself holding an ancient and elaborate map rolled into a scroll across her shoulder. In the reflection she wears a velvety robe and an academic cap. The dark haired woman beside her announces, “ You will be a world scholar,” and the young woman’s back straightens with confidence, casting off the white prejudice that tried to make her dreams small. She rejoins the group, proud and composed.  Another young woman steps forward and sees her head surrounded with stars and emanating peace. The teacher states, “You will be a saint”, the girl quietly nods snd walks away, not surprised by her fate.  It is my turn. I’m older than the rest but as I step in to see the reflection i find that I’m older still, perhaps the age I’d look now if I didn’t do so much to prolong my youth. My eyes are closed but there are spirit eyes over my closed lids. I have a flash of envy. I’d wanted to be a painter, a scholar, a saint and instead I am this aging woman capable of seeing with my eyes closed. I stare at my reflection and remark to the teacher, “I look old,” she replies, “You look young to me.” I realize she can not see the reflection mirrored to the viewer. To her it simply looks like a mirror, only her future is revealed. I look again at my face. Eyes closed with the impression of eyes over my lid and nearing my third eye. And slowly accept this as my gift. I see with spirit eyes. That is my future.
I wake. 


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