I am in a battle of some kind, with supernatural forces. I go into a lodegepole canvas tent with my daughter or sister. We sit and we wait. The door opens and a big breeze blows in... my sister/daughter turns to me and says, "Open your heart and let no fear enter". I do this and suddenly I see this incredibly powerful being, clad for battle and glowing with power. She gives us a red mantle, a light weave, with woman power symbols throughout. We go back to our regular lives. In the middle of the night I feel that there is approaching danger. I take up the mantle and go on a journey to bring it to several women, Kelly Duvernet, Shannon, Kathryn. Somehow it symbolizes a time to act and carries with in a power that I don't understand, but believe deeply in.
Showing posts from September, 2008
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I am in bed with my first boyfriend. I love him with such sweet innocence and the complete abandon of youth. His long black hair is shorn close to his head, I caress his head, softly. We curl against one another, aware that this may be the last time. I seem to have all the dimensionality in the dream. I am pleasing him and I have a revolting taste in my mouth... I need to vomit. I get up. I realize that I have a larger life now. I go to pick up my sons. He remains in bed. I look lovingly at him, his gaze is fairly absent, and I pick up my boys and walk out. Knowing that time and time again, I will choose my boys over him or any other reclining man, disinterested in my children.
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Lots of dream images last night... I am in a public restroom- it is spacious, sunlit, with lovely windows, more like a public bath. As I enter with a friend, I tell her that the facilities are always dirty in here, "I know", I say, "because I dream of them often". We walk passed nasty baths overflowing with human waste trying to find a clean place to use the facilities. Everywhere there is waste. It disgusts me, but I think to myself in the dream, 'I dream this often and there is usually a clean spot over here". I find it and we use the restroom. Next dream. I am facing a battle. All my people are on the roof blending into the surroundings. The enemy arrives and I, a child, am placed inside the walls of the house. I have to climb through the walls to the highest point to escape. I am not found I escape. I wake up feeling blue, irritable and crabby.
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I awoke in a sweat last night, chest tight, throat clenched... full of longing. These late nights of sheet tossing have become more frequent. In those moments I seem to be facing the bottomless pit of my own unknowing, my forgetfulness, my ache. I fill it with thinking, with babble brain, but I don't rest until I am spent from all the thinking and the flow of longing subsides into the quietude of sleep.
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I am at Lynn's house for lunch with her and Joanne. Her home is very simple, a couch made of a long covered pillow with a back, throw blankets, a few plants, wood floor and windows. The kitchen is in the same room with a lovely window opening onto a pine grove. I dish up all the soup bowls and the bread. When we have finished eating I clean everything up and then I begin folding up throws and arranging pillows. Joanne leans over toward me and says, don't clean everything up, you did everything already. She should do something. This shocks me. I remember that I should have brought a salad and I feel mortified. Joanne looks at me and laughs, "You should do this all the time. Have guests over, since you love doing it so much, serving people". Internally I bock at this. I don't like having guests over, it is too much work. I wake up. I think that I probably don't love serving any more than I love control... having the environment just so, making sure e...
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I have dreamed a lot lately, that I can fly. Except I seem to require wind currents to do it---which are often unpredictable. Last night I could fly, I think I turned into an Eagle when I flew, I remember rescuing someone and looking down to find them carried in my talons. I begin my decision to fly as Angelina, than I run and leap off something, at this point I shift into an Eagle and catch a current. One time I didn't catch a current and transform, I fell hundreds of feet into the Ocean below. It was huge and seemed perilous, but a dolphin came and helped me to a dock. I climbed up through many layers of life. I seemed to be hiding, in fear of being discovered, lest I become like everyone else...people who thought the level on which they were standing was the only level. I ascended many levels before I saw the true sky again and longed for flight. I got distracted however, by the dramas of life and forgot to fly for quite some time. I wonder if I was on yet another leve...
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I am walking near the ocean and I see Tom Cruise get out of his car with his daughter. She is shrouded in a tent from the hospital. She has cancer. I go to him and ask if I can be of assistance. He hesitates, so many people barrage him daily to get a photo. People rarely genuinely care about him or his family. Next dream I am married to a man that I deeply love. We have a girl child together. My husband cheats on me. I love him still. There is a scandal but I don't leave him. He is from another dimension or planet. There are several others like him. Some warring against others, but beneath the war they seem to get along, if not actually like each other. We wear Victorian clothing and talk on cell phones. It is a contradiction. His people are vulnerable to dirt. Dirt thrown on them, or into their mouths can kill them or make them very ill. Water also makes them ill but they need to drink it. On their planet, they fly in machines that are akin to highly mechanized h...