I am in a battle of some kind, with supernatural forces. I go into a lodegepole canvas tent with my daughter or sister. We sit and we wait. The door opens and a big breeze blows in... my sister/daughter turns to me and says, "Open your heart and let no fear enter". I do this and suddenly I see this incredibly powerful being, clad for battle and glowing with power. She gives us a red mantle, a light weave, with woman power symbols throughout. We go back to our regular lives. In the middle of the night I feel that there is approaching danger. I take up the mantle and go on a journey to bring it to several women, Kelly Duvernet, Shannon, Kathryn. Somehow it symbolizes a time to act and carries with in a power that I don't understand, but believe deeply in.
Dreaming I am in a traveling troupe of some sort. There are hundreds of beautiful young people (I too am much younger and more buxom and gorgeous than this body recalls). We are all gathering to prepare for our performances. It seems that we are also superheroes of some sort when we travel. We gather in a large auditorium. I shirk this handsome, needy young man who has literally been following me two inches or less from the back. I holler enthusiastically to the crowd and skip to my seat in the front, directly before a mirror. The group begins singing. This is my second year with the troupe but I don't know the songs. I say to myself I don't learn this way (by ear) I need to see the song. The song leader hears me and hands me a typed song sheet. The song sounds like an east Indian chant but it goes "Ta, ra, re, ditty ditty, Ta ra ram ditty ditty ", etc. I sing, chant and wake up. The interesting part of this drea...