Strange dark dreams. There were shadow-ish people living in the dark places of my house, they were human, but malevolent and all of them were first boyfriend was part wolf with a power talisman, a living snake that passed malevolent messages to him through writing on his skin. I chopped the snake into little pieces. It became rigid like a pencil. I put the knife to his neck but couldn't kill him, so I asked him to just let it go and be kind. Nope, it wasn't gonna happen. Next I was battling a whole group of men in the branches of a tree outside my window, most resembled men I had loved, admired or idealized. I was overpowered and escaped inside, closing the window barely in time. I yelled for help, but Shane was busy watching the game and my sons were too young. I gathered my courage and then I realized somehow I had lost and was going to have to do what they told me. I was going to have to work where they said and be who they told me to. Suddenly, I felt like just an object measured by my youthfulness, beatuy and attractiveness. Everything felt grey and smaller.
I awoke feeling anxious.


Snake is Wisdom and sexual energy- kundalini
the serpent who tempted Eve. The Holy Spirit

A black snake is the sexual energy controlling life in a negative way. Yellow is at bay semi controlled and White is a master all are very dangerous bec ause it is through Lust and Desire that we have fallen and been kept prisoners in Samsara by our mind for eternity.

This society is full of sons and daughters of the Black Serpent.

Serpents have no legs because they did not use them wisely in their past life.

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