I am driving in my jeep and I realize that I am dreaming. I think to myself, "Well lets just see what happens". I start driving through villages, over buildings, everywhere. I find myself in a large room beneath the sea, Chopra is there and he says he wants to show my something. The sea room is beautiful. The ceiling has orbs of luminescent plankton surrounding kelp, which creates a light-balloon effect. Chopra takes me to a wall of coral and there are lots of little plankton fairies dragging away treasures. One plankton hops up and sticks its tiny head in my ear. It begins speaking in a high melodious talk, but I don't remember what she says. I decide to swim and begin arcing through the water with a feeling of pure freedom, then I break thru the waves and am soaring through the sky, dipping in and out of clouds...FLYING.
A lucid-semi lucid dream...
That sounds beautiful..
From what i understand a fully lucid dream is when you completely awaken in your dreams, and sounds like you did this mostly.
Great progress!!
Now when you fly next time, fly to see your sleeping body and your kids and meditate by their side, and maybe turn into a bird and get rid of Angelina for a while on the way ...;)