Dream Snippets
An old woman walks naked through a house and into a bedroom. Her large breasts sag to her waist. An old man is in bed. He laughs and says, "I'll just need two long boys to take care of this". Although there is sexual innuendo the transaction seems utterly benign.

I have two sisters. I am sitting in the dirt, flanked by them and feeling the surprise and love of recently remembering that I have two sisters similar in age to me. A family procession sweeps by (is it a wedding). They are all men. I feel buoyed by my sisters' love.

Julia Roberts is dancing, at the start of her career. She looks plain as she dances, with obvious discomfort and awkwardness. Then I see her off stage and she is playing with the music, dancing, having fun and her famous smile spreads wide across her face.

I usually judge these non-eventful dreams, taking them to be barometers of my mind, my psyche and even my soul. Often chiding myself for a preoccupation with the mundane. I wondered, as I awoke, if my constant judgment of what is spiritual and luminous, in contrast to what is common and repetitive, isn't a large contributor to the anxiety I feel when facing life. Perhaps I give everything I experience all the meaning it has for me. Perhaps I can develop neutrality in seeing, by taking the first step toward embracing the range of my dreaming. Perhaps the sky is grey, perhaps a lone balloon floats in its breadth, perhaps I am neither, perhaps I am all, perhaps I am none of it. Perhaps.


Wind said…
me too. Thank you for the reminder, maybe I can once again get out of the judges seat and into the witness stand.

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