
Showing posts from 2010

dreaming of buddhism

I am watching the spread of Buddhism, from its birth in India spanning continents.  I watch as the truth is filtered through the beliefs, cultural traditions, festivals and character of the people.  I watch an ornate hindu celebration merging with Buddhist philosophy and the many changes and alterations as Buddha's teachings spread and filter through China, Japan and Tibet.  Changing as it expresses through the culture, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, traditions, needs and expectations of the people and time.  The dream is very colorful, intimate and beautiful.  The truth remains true. I have traveled back in time and I am sitting in an audience listening to Paramahansa Yogananda give a talk.  I know I have traveled through time.  Shane is there too, but it is Shane and not Shane at the same time.  We both hold papers that tell us who we are pretending to be.  I am Paramahansa's wife (yes I know he wasn't married) and Shane is a high priest....

stomach dream

I am ill. A paramedic comes and removes my stomach, I am laying outside on a hillside.  He makes a large U cut on my abdomen (where my lower intestines would be).  I am worried that my organs will fail because they won't get enough oxygen.  He places my stomach in a jar and tightens a vice around it from all sides (like a christmas tree stand).  He tells me that he will tighten it so much that drawing a breath will be automatic.  He does and the stomach breathes like a tortured lung.  He has notes about my organs.  I see that both of my ovaries are on one side of my body, always releasing two eggs at the same time.  I say, "That is why I make twins".  I walk around with a bandage on my stomach feeling very victimized and sorry for myself.  No one seems to notice my situation.  I need to get to the hospital to get my stomach back.  I finally collapse on a hill (really I kind of pretend to collapse).  My partner is unaffecte...


I walk into a small American town, a stranger, with my son.  We look very different.  I have just arrrived from the orient and am clad in indian style attire.  As we walk in people begin to whisper amongst themselves.  The time period seems early in this century.  My son and I progress through a beautifully landscaped area toward a large, ornate stone hotel.  In a fountained foyer I meet a woman who nearly died within her marriage to a man, who was emotionally unavailable and disinterested in her.  She met a man who made her laugh and who spent time playing with her and her son.  Although they don't seem to have an intimate relationship, they are deeply happy with one another.  The husband is so disinterested he doesn't appear to notice although there is a tension in the woman that he may discover and disapproving, take her companion from her.  I walk toward the check in desk, past tables of men smoking cigars and women looking prop...
snippets. Someone is playing music by making signs over a water hole and the vibrations are absolutely beautiful.  I look and realize that behind him is the cave.  Noone else in the dream remembers the cave, but I have dreamt of it before and it is where fear dwells embodied as  monsters that eat people. I am in a tall room.  A lawyer of some sorts and I have been recieving hate mail in the form of CD's, I am suddenly worried about my children and I don't know where they are.  I call to Bart Zuber and a girl down below for help (Bart is my nememsis, he represented my ex in our divorce for free).  I give my bird call repeatedly from the high window perch, then I just climb out and scale the side of the wall with skill, climb in another window where I meet Bart and his friend.  Together we find the "bad guys" and I take the worst one, which looks like a thick worm (could it get more freudian) and I squash it until all the insides come out an...
I have recommitted to writing down my dreams, here are a few from last night: 1 I walk past a pool where a toddler sits at the edge holding the foot of a submerged child.  I don't seem to notice really and I go to the bathroom.  When I come back I ask him what he is doing.  He sort of whimpers and then I realize there is a boy drowning.  I race over and pull the stiff boy from the water.  I give him mouth to mouth, all the while berating myself for not noticing sooner.  The boy finally comes too and I end up with a mouth full of his mucus.  Then I am worried about myself getting ill instead of the child and flush my mouth with water. 2 There is a man who has lost his wife when they were young and just married.  They both were knifed in the stomach.  The man lived but not the wife.  When he had to bury his wife he also buried the bible in another deeper whole and with every shovel of dirt he threw on it he gave up God and came to rely...

pigs and stars

There is a pig.  A huge pink pig.  He is probably 5 feet long and I adore him.  He sits when I say sit and waits when I say wait.  Then Shane builds a huge fire in the center of a circle of low metal kennels.  He puts all the pigs in the kennels.  My beloved pig wanders in by himself and lays down to get warm.  The door of the kennel doesn't shut.  I know Shane is roasting the pigs to eat.  "I don't eat pork...why would you?", I think to myself.  I know that I can not let my pig-friend get roasted.  I go to wake him up but he is already awake and backing out of the kennel.  I realize that the pig is actually my brother Dave and I tell him he has to shape shift back.  He says, "We have to free the pigs first!".  We do.  Then Shane comes back.  Suddenly, Shane, Dave and the pig are one person and I grab him by the ankles and begin whirling him over my head beneath the night sky, saying, "you are not a pig, nor...


dreams I am at Berties (but it doesn't actually look like her house).  There is a cabinet kept in a special room.  In it is a pale blue box.  I recognize it but can't remember where. I open the cabinet door.  As I touch the carved lid of the box and begin to open it, I remember.  It is the box my father gave me for my marriage blessing ceremony, it is filled with small gifts from everyone dear to me, each one a blessing for a happy union.  The instant I open the box and glimpse the contents a rush of rage emerges like out of Pandora's box.  Bertie is beside me with her hand on my shoulder.  I know I wasn't supposed to open the box.  The rage consumes me like a demon until I begin to yell like an enraged animal.  Bertie stares at me for a while, calmly staring thru me to the truth.  While she does this I feel perhaps it can be controlled, but then she yells...a feeble yell beside the demon of rage, perhaps to frighten the demon back...

March 8

dreaming I have been given red roses- huge intricate glass roses, plastic pom-pom roses, delicate glass roses, silk roses and a few roses that live and resemble a person. I place them all in a large bowl on an upper shelf because someone is coming... a representative of human-ness...a man. I hide the roses, but first I pull from the bowl a living female doll. She is about two feet tall with shoulder length brown hair. I think I need her as a rouse. The man brings with him processed meat, beef. I don't eat cow. I know there is something strange about the meat, something that is meant to hybridize the eater. I prepare it and it looks more like a McDonald's burger than a homemade buffalo burger. I tell the man that I will feed it to one child at a time (knowing that I will never feed it to my family). I give it instead to the girl-doll-child. I wake before she eats it. I dream that Wind and I have a daughter. She lives with me. I am confused as to how I got her, but I...
strange dream I am at my high school reunion. I don't recognize hardly anyone and hardly no-one recognizes me. I realize that I am getting older. The reunion is in California and I point upwards at this incredible grassy hill with craggy old windblown trees and I say "Just beyond those trees is my grandfather's house". I am surprised by this. I then tell whoever is with me that my grandfather once owned the whole hillside but he sold it in parcels and developers have destroyed it. I felt so sad looking at it. Then I was at a dinner party with a man I loved. It was a very regal dinner and I slurped my soup, ate with the wrong utensils and then stood up and began to clear the table. All of these social faus pas made the hosts and my date embarrassed. When I handed the butler my plate I was beginning to cry and I left. I crossed a canal and ran for some time until I felt free, than I lay down on the bank and stared upwards all these men were suddenly interest...
Shane and I are standing outside a large room that seems more like a really huge room/bread oven. There is a single opening in a stone wall (like a brick pizza oven). Inside there are several couples and a facilitator. Each couple steps forward and stand before the oven, they then kiss. We didn't make it there in time to be with the other couples. As each couple finishes they climb out of the oven/opening. When they are all gone, I climb in very animated and excited and turn to Shane who is still outside and say, "Come on, it's our turn now". I am kind of giddy. Shane says no, with no hint of playfulness or abandon. I try to cajole him. The room is so warm and toasty, but he refuses to come in. As I climb back out I wonder if the hole is too small for him to enter. I wake up.