Someone is playing music by making signs over a water hole and the vibrations are absolutely beautiful. I look and realize that behind him is the cave. Noone else in the dream remembers the cave, but I have dreamt of it before and it is where fear dwells embodied as monsters that eat people.
I am in a tall room. A lawyer of some sorts and I have been recieving hate mail in the form of CD's, I am suddenly worried about my children and I don't know where they are. I call to Bart Zuber and a girl down below for help (Bart is my nememsis, he represented my ex in our divorce for free). I give my bird call repeatedly from the high window perch, then I just climb out and scale the side of the wall with skill, climb in another window where I meet Bart and his friend. Together we find the "bad guys" and I take the worst one, which looks like a thick worm (could it get more freudian) and I squash it until all the insides come out and even then I stare down on it to make sure it is dead, feeling that it may not be. I walk out into a field and kiss Owen's teacher passionately.
Someone is playing music by making signs over a water hole and the vibrations are absolutely beautiful. I look and realize that behind him is the cave. Noone else in the dream remembers the cave, but I have dreamt of it before and it is where fear dwells embodied as monsters that eat people.
I am in a tall room. A lawyer of some sorts and I have been recieving hate mail in the form of CD's, I am suddenly worried about my children and I don't know where they are. I call to Bart Zuber and a girl down below for help (Bart is my nememsis, he represented my ex in our divorce for free). I give my bird call repeatedly from the high window perch, then I just climb out and scale the side of the wall with skill, climb in another window where I meet Bart and his friend. Together we find the "bad guys" and I take the worst one, which looks like a thick worm (could it get more freudian) and I squash it until all the insides come out and even then I stare down on it to make sure it is dead, feeling that it may not be. I walk out into a field and kiss Owen's teacher passionately.