This was a four tiered dream:
Tier one:
I am trapped in a cabin with all the people I love and the door is blocked by an enormous grizzly bear wearing a white mask. I am utterly terrified to the point of inactivity. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream fades into...
Tier two:
I am being hunted down, there are people trying to kill me. I am terrified beyond reason. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream fades into...
Tier three:
There are aliens they are here to harm us or kill us or do some sort of bodily damage. My heart is breaking. I am so frightened and scared. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream fades into...
Tier four:
Some sort of elaborate apocalyptic scenerio. I am terrified. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream ends and I wake up.
The voice is the first thing that enters my waking mind, it says"You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear."
I am clear what I have to do. All of this arising is another layer of fear and a prior dream told me how to handle it..."Close your eyes to the appearance of things and open your heart. See with your heart and breathe it in. All of it in. Breathe it in."
Tier one:
I am trapped in a cabin with all the people I love and the door is blocked by an enormous grizzly bear wearing a white mask. I am utterly terrified to the point of inactivity. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream fades into...
Tier two:
I am being hunted down, there are people trying to kill me. I am terrified beyond reason. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream fades into...
Tier three:
There are aliens they are here to harm us or kill us or do some sort of bodily damage. My heart is breaking. I am so frightened and scared. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream fades into...
Tier four:
Some sort of elaborate apocalyptic scenerio. I am terrified. A voice enters the dream and says, "You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear." I am too frightened and I can't. Dream ends and I wake up.
The voice is the first thing that enters my waking mind, it says"You are dreaming. You have a choice. You can step outside and face the fear."
I am clear what I have to do. All of this arising is another layer of fear and a prior dream told me how to handle it..."Close your eyes to the appearance of things and open your heart. See with your heart and breathe it in. All of it in. Breathe it in."
I am the Resurrection and the life of all that is Good and virtuous rather than the Resurrection of all life...
More color..
Resurrecting more color.