I walk out of this stone house and onto a stone path. Suddenly everything exudes light, dazzling light, like energy pouring out of every cell- shining. I am dazzled. I lay down on the rocky path/road and stare up at the yellow leaves of an aspen/Cyprus tree. It is so beautiful, golden light upon blue sky, then all the dust particles are visible. Each exuding light, shining, radiant, awesome. I then become self conscious, I am lying in the middle of the road. A bit odd really and people are surely going to think me strange. I stand up and walk further. Then I am walking along a flat zen-like wooden bridge/pier from a beautiful glass building toward a rocky shore (looks like Ireland or Scotland). The water is lapping on both sides, reflecting light and sky. I am carrying two staffs: one is tall and topped with an amethyst stone, the other is shorter and has some other stone. I am using the staffs to propel me forward in a fun swinging fashion. I find the small staff to cumbersome so I cast it off and use just the long staff. Swinging side to side while swinging my feet high with each stride like someone taking off on a high jump. I come to the other side where there is a strong weathered fisherman and his son. I get the impression that the fisherman is a really beautiful person. The boy is playing an accordion (which is more like two laundry baskets). I am about to walk on when I decide I should wait. I turn and walk to him. He asks where I am from. I say Avalon. I invite him to return with me. His eyes sparkle than he turns to his father and seeing his dad beside the water staring back. He says, "No. I will remain here". I put my hand on his shoulder and say, "Alright. Than I will give you a single key. Remember this, that all life can offer you is nothing compared to this one thing- love. That is all you need to know." I walk on and wake up.