There is a house on a hill. The sky looks a bit bleak and foreboding. The house seems a bit gray. I walk in and it is the home of an almost president (no idea who). They show me around and take me to the basement. The almost president's wife is there. She is doing all kinds of traditional American arts but they are all housed in these preservation tubs. The tubs contain things like: embers which are dehydrating jerky, a crochet project of an apron, pickling eggs, knitting, and tons of other stuff. The woman begins pouring vinegar over the surface of things to preserve them. The almost president gets a call on the phone telling him that there is a plot on his life and the lives of all non-republican candidates. He gets ready to leave.
There I am in this underground room, when these "bad guys" show up. I have a knife fight with them and think I defeat them but then I wake up battered and bruised some time later. A sort of epic battle ensues. In the end it turns out that the "bad guy" is this young man who is a part of the masonry of the house. I see his boots, bricked into the wall and barely showing. I break them open and they are literally "full of beans".
Really weird and unsettling dream. I wake feeling OFF and unsettled.
I look up the origins of the statement, "full of beans" and here is what I find-
"Throughout history, the poorest people could only afford to eat beans as a dominant source of protein. Therefore "your full of beans" was a derogatory statement meaning you aren't worth much". Interestingly, it seems like a random jumbling of social commentary with an undertone addressing the divisions between classes etc.