Recent dreaming

There was this beautiful young woman, who had really poor relationships with men. Over the years I watched as she systematically chose men who were unkind, selfish or already involved. By the time she was in her late 40's she was embittered and had a wall around her heart to any man. Than this young man showed up (He looked a little like a combination between Baraack Obama and Tiger Woods), he was kind and generous and open and giving and available and genuine. At first the woman’s walls were too heavy and he was too young and too good to be true etc. Then she began to see what a rare seed he really was. She began to open, to blossom, and to love. Within two weeks they were married and passionately deeply and fully in love. The woman appreciated him in a way she never could have before because of all the pain she had been through and how many bad apples she had snuggled up to at night. They were walking along a beach on their honeymoon and he told her he was leaving- she was shocked but his kindness was so pervasive that she didn't become reactionary, she just listened and waited. He explained that he was dying, dead really, but that he had been given a window. She was his window. He had already died several years earlier. Suddenly she was 23 years old again and waking up in a strange bathroom. She was thoroughly disoriented as she looked in the mirror at her young face and full breasts. She was dressed in a satin negligee with circle appliqués on the breasts- a bit tasteless really. In the background she could hear the voice of a man talking to his mother. She began crawling toward the front door. The man whose voice she had heard (apparently whom she had been sleeping with) walked forthright toward the kitchen passing her as she crawled to the door, without any show of affection or even recognition, he opened the door and she passed through. The vacuum of loss she felt at the realization that she had lost her man was unbearable, yet the memory filled her with a sort of hopefulness. She couldn't believe that 25 hears of her life had been a dream but there was really no other way to explain it. She told a few friends, who obviously thought she was teetering off the deep end, but something about her was different- she was vastly more mature, in possession of a stronger vocabulary, a more formed sense of self and confidence. Then she met him. He was there, a good man, a genuine man, her man. The real 23 year old woman, relatively untouched by pain and disappointment, would have passed him by for the better looking one, or more rebellious, or.... She didn't. She knows that he will die of a heart attack sometime in his early 40's and she will be deeply and utterly sad but with an open heart she embraces love while it is offered her.
The end of that dream.