There were a number of competing dream images that filled my mind upon waking. Most of them seemed to be thematically related around male/female imagery. There was one interesting dream in which my teacher and I were meeting with a leader in the spiritual movement. She was a prominent figure who had, for one reason or another, been at odds with us. She was a very confident and elegant woman. Upon discussion, we discovered that there was very little that we did not agree on. We stood and hugged one another--there was a beautiful heart opening energy exchange, during which time she said to me, "You give freely from your liver. It is a gift, almost professional." I continued hugging her and felt a huge outpouring of energy, but I was a bit confused because it felt to me like I was opening my heart. Wake up. Interestingly after a bit of research I unearthed a few things that I suppose I already knew in the recesses of my thinking but they hadn't made it to the forefro...
Showing posts from July, 2008
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I dream of fleas. Fleas everywhere in my home(not my home in Lakewood, but some otherwise unknown dream home), on the carpet, climbing up my legs...everywhere. I think I got them by holding rats or cats. I worry about the plague briefly. Shane goes and gets some kind of insecticidal foam spray and sprays it on all the carpets. I worry about Bodhi who is sleeping nearby.
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I am living in San Francisco again, with Shane's parents I think. We are in Cole Valley/Noe valley. I decide to look for a job. I only live a few blocks from the clothing store I used to work at. I get a job there for 10$ an hour and clothing benifits, but arrive late. I apologize profusely and say that I am going to quit because it is sometimes difficult to be on time when I have a young child. Patty and Rainie both love me and they insist I stay. Soon I am surrounded by old friends and I feel such a strong sense of well being and belonging. I wake feeling joyful and the sense of well being carries over.
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Owen is in a public restroom. He is scared. I walk in and he tells me that he is afraid of violent people and that someone may try to hurt him. I tell him to lock the door. He ignores me. He tells me that in his fears he is in a desert. Suddenly we are both in a desert, no water, food or shelter. A group of women are gathered together doing art. Three people are destined to know eachother deeply. One of the three really needs the connection and friendship. I am in a bar, there is a beautiful Jamaican man with dreadlocks looking down at me from the bar, which is unusually high up. He calls, "What you lookin' for child?". I don't know. I go into the restroom and try on my first boyfriends hat. It is a red baseball cap with a wolf on top. It seems wonderful to me. Shane sees me trying the hat on. I dismiss it. Wake up.
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Dreaming Several disjointed images 1 I am in a house, the rooms wind and twist. I am trying to reach Shane. I have to pass through a number of rooms. I walk through one room which is obviously haunted by a woman. I feel this seep of darkness and negativity. I begin chanting prayers, as protection against the feelings rising within. I find Shane. I tell him of the haunted room. He is interested but unafraid. I am afraid and chant my prayers of protection louder and more frenetically. Shane merely walks into the room. 2 I am working at a clothing store similar to the one I worked at in SF. My boss is there and I am late. There is a woman selling jewelry outside. Beautiful handmade jewelry, but I don't have the money to purchase it at present. There is a man dining in a boat down by the water. He is wealthy. I speak to him. He says it costs a fortune to dine with this view, but a little less if you dine with your back to it. I can see the view of the sea for fr...
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Dream There is a war between the US and the Middle East, specifically Iran. It is taking place on US soil. There are hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes. I am trying to communicate with them, to say something. I feel this strong pull of Spirit to speak. I feel that Spirit has something to say and I am the vehicle chosen to say it. I can't get the collective attention. I try again and again, but to no avail. I stand on a hilltop overlooking the scene and feel a deep penetrating sadness. I think to myself. This is just like when we tried to get the native tribes of North America to ban together against the English invasion. They were too isolated in thought and culture to unite and so they fell. I stare out and begin to cry, saying, "We are like that. Unable to relinquish our class, beliefs, status, and culture, in order to join together for the common good of our planet. We are unwilling to release our limitations of consciousness so that tog...
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1 I am at a house. Someone (a child I think) has torn the pages from a large illustrated tarot book. An ex boyfriend is down stairs. He wears the bottom half of a round box, tied with a string, around his neck. He is talking to an ex girlfriend of his, about allowing her to sleep over. I can tell that he is trying to hurt me. It works. I stand up and yell an obscenity at them. I go upstairs. All the torn tarot pages are now blowing across the yard and some of them are pressed against the glass windows. The tarot seems interspersed with retablos and such, but I don't seem to notice they all look like tarot to me. I wake up 2 I am in a used clothing store managed by Emory, my old boss from Lifeway's (a new age personal growth bookstore). He is hiring some questionable characters to manage the shipping and delivery. I am looking around with friends. I am looking for a few things to take to Hawaii. I find some interesting things. Women are also getting their hair don...
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I had a difficult time sleeping last night. I lay awake from 1:30 to 5:00AM unable to sleep and feeling progressively more anxious. A ball of tension that began in my throat, spread across my chest and into my solar plexus. When I finally managed to stumble into sleep (after a stiff sleepytime tea and a chapter in a rather dull book), this was the dream I was met with: Owen is the same age as Bodhi. He is at his uncle's house (My ex's brother) and I discover him seated at the base of the toilet in the upstairs bathroom. He is covered in dried urine and it's sticky yellow nastiness is on his hands and clothes. I pick him up just as he is about to put the mess in his mouth. I say, "Let's wash you off sunshine". I do. I feel furious at my ex, furious. Later, when Owen is no longer with me, I confront him. He says he will take him away from me. I say, "Like hell you will". I call my divorce lawyer, Brent and the whole divorce drama starts al...
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I am in a large home. My boys and I are climbing up the side of a cliff to a cliff dwelling. The boys are leading the way. There are two others with us, one is a kind and gentle man. I am the last to come. I hear a knock at the door and so I leave the cliff after I have made sure that the boys are safe at the top with the others. It has grown dark and the sides have become almost too shear to traverse in the poor light. I walk to the door. It is my ex husband( looks a bit like a heavier, middle aged version of Micheal Douglas). He has come to give me a refrigerator.... I know with this gift he will try to take my children. I refuse the fridge, he tries another door and another, this goes on until morning. The boys climb down (a bit more like my brothers now) and they are aghast that I have refused the fridge. They accept it and my ex walks right in to my home. Next dream. I am in a foreign country, maybe Mexico with a European flair. I have two daughters and a baby boy on...
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There is a man, he looks like a combination of Baraak Obama and Tiger Woods. He holds me close in an embrace and says, "You need only follow your bliss." I reply, "Yeah well it isn't always that easy to find" He responds, "Of course it is, you know your own joy it is a matter of trusting not finding'. The whole time he is holding me to his chest in a lovely warm, unobtrusive embrace.
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I am about to be kidnapped. There is some sort of gathering outside our home, FBI, I think. At first we believed that I could escape in a car destined for Chicago, but it becomes clear that I can't. I call Shane-a and tell him what is happening and ask him to make sure and tell my Mom and Bertie. He asks what they are going to do, I reply, "Brain research". I go willingly so that no one is hurt. Suddenly I am Jessica Biel and the captors I am with are using me to study the effects of beauty on animals to see if there is a change in the neuro-chemicals in response to human beauty. I am talking to Sharks than swimming with them and later I am in a room with all these underdeveloped lions- actually deformed lions (their hindquarters are severely deformed) and they look more like men in lion getup. One lion isn't fully buying the whole setup. He is talking and trying to remember who he is . Then he remembers something important. He stands erect (He is a man) an...