I am about to be kidnapped. There is some sort of gathering outside our home, FBI, I think. At first we believed that I could escape in a car destined for Chicago, but it becomes clear that I can't. I call Shane-a and tell him what is happening and ask him to make sure and tell my Mom and Bertie. He asks what they are going to do, I reply, "Brain research". I go willingly so that no one is hurt. Suddenly I am Jessica Biel and the captors I am with are using me to study the effects of beauty on animals to see if there is a change in the neuro-chemicals in response to human beauty. I am talking to Sharks than swimming with them and later I am in a room with all these underdeveloped lions- actually deformed lions (their hindquarters are severely deformed) and they look more like men in lion getup. One lion isn't fully buying the whole setup. He is talking and trying to remember who he is . Then he remembers something important. He stands erect (He is a man) and walks toward the two-way mirror and says. I want to speak to my father. A tall black man enters the room and prepares to sedate his son. The son says why did you do this to me. The man replies that It was in the name of science (apparently they perform memory washing on the test subjects but his son didn't wash clean). The boy scowls, raises his arms and all the vines and natural elements surrounding him rise up and wind their way up and over the father, lifting him off his feet and pulling him apart. I do not see the father's demise but I know it happens. Than I am Julia Roberts running through the streets as a middle aged woman and rescuing people. Than I am in a highschool class with a bunch of boys. I have been signed up but I tell them there is no way I will be allowed to come...my captors never let me socialize or have a normal life. This time they do.
I wake up.