There is a war between the US and the Middle East, specifically Iran. It is taking place on US soil. There are hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes. I am trying to communicate with them, to say something. I feel this strong pull of Spirit to speak. I feel that Spirit has something to say and I am the vehicle chosen to say it. I can't get the collective attention. I try again and again, but to no avail. I stand on a hilltop overlooking the scene and feel a deep penetrating sadness. I think to myself. This is just like when we tried to get the native tribes of North America to ban together against the English invasion. They were too isolated in thought and culture to unite and so they fell. I stare out and begin to cry, saying, "We are like that. Unable to relinquish our class, beliefs, status, and culture, in order to join together for the common good of our planet. We are unwilling to release our limitations of consciousness so that together we can steward the Earth". I feel an agonizing sorrow.
I wake up.